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HAPTION公司是法国原子能委员会(法国核研究机构)的剥离机构,历经三十多载,获得丰硕的科研成果和专业知识。 HAPTION在设计、制造和销售触觉装置方面具有专业品质,独树一帜,能满足不同的客户需求,在工业界和学术界都受到好评。 
触觉界面是一种电脑装置,能使用户通过触觉与软件应用程序或虚拟对象进行互动。它被放置于一个有电机、位置传感器和嵌入式电子产品的枢接机械结构中。用户把装置的端点握在手中,可以随意移动它 - 无论是在现实世界还是在计算机屏幕上的虚拟世界中。当用户的虚拟手接触到一个数字对象时,一个力值就被即时发送到电机上,从而能够模拟一次真实的接触。
A spin-off of CEA (French Nuclear Research Agency), HAPTION benefits from results and know-how developed in more than 30 years of research. HAPTION designs, manufactures and sells haptic devices with professional quality, suited to the needs of its customers, both industrial and academic.
A haptic interface is a computer device, which enables its user to interact with a software application or with a virtual object through the sense of touch. It consists in an articulated mechanical structure with motors and position sensors, as well as embedded electronics. The user holds the end-point of the structure in his hand, and can move it around, both in the real and in the virtual world on the computer screen. Whenever his virtual hand makes contact with a digital object, a force value is sent to the motors, which simulate a real contact. 
Our products provide force-feedback on all 6 degrees-of-freedom (translations and rotations). Without 6-dof, it is impossible to simulate the interaction between 3D objects.
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