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ASL 将瞳孔/角膜反射技术用于测量眼球运动。在大多数应用中,ASL公司使用的明亮环境下优质的瞳孔图像,远远超过了黑暗环境中的瞳孔图像。ASL发现,在充足光线背景下的瞳孔图像,受睫毛、眉毛、眼睛颜色深浅、晕暗的环境、眼镜及接触的影响较小,同时该系统受相机距离的影响也较小。在功能性磁共振环境下,镜片放置在离眼睛16英尺的距离内,该系统的镜片则会起相当重要的作用。
ASL has been the leader in eye tracking technology for over 30 years.  ASL was the first company to develop a head mounted eye tracker, Eye/Head integration, parallax free optics, head position assisted remote optics and many other features that now have become industry standard.  This innovative spirit continues today with the world’s broadest and most comprehensive line of video based eye trackers.
Eye Tracking Technique
ASL utilizes the pupil/corneal reflection technique for measuring eye movements.  In most applications, ASL operates with a bright pupil image, which provides many advantages over a dark pupil image.  ASL has found that the bright pupil image is less affected by eyelashes, mascara, light colored eyes, dark environments, eyeglasses and contacts.  The system is also less affected by distance from the camera.  This has been determined to be especially important with optics in an FMRI environment, where the optics can be placed up to 16 feet from the eye. 
In an outdoor environment, ASL uses a specially enhanced dark pupil technique.  These optics are designed specifically for outdoor use and are particularly robust even in bright sunlight.
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